Examining cognitive determinants of planning future routine events: a pilot study in school-age Italian children

It is now online the published version of the Article “Examining cognitive determinants of planning future routine events: a pilot study in school-age Italian children (Análisis de los determinantes cognitivos de la planificación de eventos de rutina futuros: un estudio piloto con niños italianos en edad eby Marco Giancola, Alessia Bocchi, Massimiliano Palmiero, Ilaria De Grossi, Laura Piccardi and Simonetta D’Amico published in Studies in Psychology/Estudios de Psicologìa.

The current research investigates in a sample of 45 Italian school-age children (range age = 5–8 years), the role of fluid intelligence (Gf), core executive functions — CEFs (working memory, inhibition and shifting), as well as their interactions in planning performance. Results revealed that Gf was the main predictor of planning, whereas only inhibition moderated the Gf-planning link. These findings suggested that better competencies in inhibition promote children’s ability to reason and solve problems requiring systematic and ecological plans of action.

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