GPS Digital Nudge to Limit Road Crashes in Non-Expert Drivers

It is now available online the article  

GPS Digital Nudge to Limit
Road Crashes in Non-Expert Drivers

 by Nori, R., Zucchelli, M.M., Giancola, M., Palmiero, M., Verde, P., Giannini, A.M. and Piccardi, L. published in Behavioral Sciences
as part of the Special Issue Road Crash Injury and Driver Behavior.

It reports data on the use of the GPS nudge and its relationship with spatial ability, together with its function to support non-expert drivers, in order to reduce the number of road crashes. Our results reveal that the higher the spatial skills are, the greater the GPS use is, and that drivers who use GPS improve their sense of direction. Moreover, people with high visuospatial abilities use GPS more extensively. Finally, young drivers do not consider the GPS aid to be useful when they have no time pressure. Our results have been discussed by taking into account the familiarity-and-spatial-ability model

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