Predictive role of estradiol levels on spatial orientation skills in women taking oral contraceptives

It is now available and online the Chapter 

Predictive role of estradiol levels on spatial orientation skills in women taking oral contraceptives

by Filippo Bianchini, Paola Verde, Maddalena Boccia, Stefano Colangeli, Francesco Piccolo, Felice Strollo, Anita Greco, Cecilia Guariglia and Laura Piccardi published in the book “Spatial Navigation. A review of recent research” edited by Luca Oude Vrielink in NovaPublisher.

This chapter describes a study aimed at investigating the effects of estradiol levels on spatial orientation skills. Results show that estradiol concentrations predicted women’s ability to build up the cognitive map and response times on mental rotation, suggesting a role for the hormone in spatial cognition.

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